Parishioners of St Nicholas Helsinki to be missionaries in Cambodia

St Nicholas Helsinki is a vibrant and youthful parish in the Diocese in Europe. There is a large sector of the electoral roll that are in their 20s and 30s. It is also a parish is multicultural in make-up and with a deep concern and interest in the world Church.

I learned of one particularly tangible sign of this global commitment and interest on a recent parish visit. Parishioners Dennis and Hanna Londo and their young family (above), are preparing to leave to be missionaries in Cambodia with the Church of Finland's Mission Society. We wish them God's blessing in this assignment. It is also a good example of Porvoo Communion cooperation!

Parish priest, the Revd Tuomas Mäkipää had prepared some confirmation candidates for my recent visit and another joined the celebration from the neighbouring parish of St Timothy and St Titus, across the Gulf of Finland in Tallinn, Estonia!


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