The Bible and Creation: an online study led by Clare Amos

Special Zoom Study Meeting announced
Led by Dr Clare Amos, the Diocesan Director of Lay Discipleship

Saturday April 25 2020   10.00am-11.00am and 11.30am-12.30pm CET (BST+1)

Dr Amos writes: 
"Drawing on both the Old Testament and the New Testament this study morning will explore what the Bible has to say about the relationship between human beings and the rest of creation, which is increasingly seen as one of the most significant issues for our time. It will suggest that our relationship to creation is absolutely integral to our Christian faith".
This study morning was originally scheduled as a physical meeting for the parish of Holy Trinity Geneva. It will now be held by Zoom due to the lockdown. Given the widespread interest across the diocese in the theology and care of creation, Dr Amos has widened participation in this study to any who are interested. 
To meet the needs of ‘Zoom’ security issues, and in order to ensure that you can be sent handouts in advance, please let Holy Trinity Church (  know that you are planning to attend (Ideally send your note by lunchtime on Friday 24 April). Guidance can be given to those unfamiliar with the medium of Zoom. Please mention any need for help when you send in your reply.
I know that participants will enjoy this morning and be enriched by Clare's profound theological and biblical scholarship.


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