The Association of the Church of England in Italy

The Church of England, while established by law in England, has a very different legal status in the countries of continental Europe. In each nation the Diocese in Europe and her congregations conform to the domestic law of that country and adopt whatever measures are necessary to operate juridically and legally as a Church or religious / charitable organisation. (In some countries, such as France, the state does not recognise publicly any Church or religion). 

In Italy, under the leadership of the Archdeacon of Italy and Malta, the Venerable Jonathan Boardman, preparatory work is under way to gain legal recognition of the Church of England, which will give an official status to our over 20 congregations and Anglican communities. The board of L'associazione della Chiesa d'Inghilterra in Italia is pictured above, at its inaugural meeting.

From Left to right: 
HE Nigel Baker, British Ambassador to the Holy See; the Revd Canon David Richardson, Director Of the Anglican Centre in  Rome; Cavaliere Giampaolo Grazian, Church Warden All Saints', Rome;  Dr Giuseppe di Rosa, President of the Board's Auditors; Dr Paolo Coniglio, Secretary;  Mr Willam Richards, Treasurer;  Archdeacon Boardman, President;  Mrs Sandra Seagram Annovazzi, Vice President; HE Christopher Prentice, British Ambassador to Italy and San Marino.


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