St Saviour's Riga welcomes its new Priest-in-Charge

On 30th October the Acting Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe, the Venerable Peter Potter, licensed the Revd Jana Jeruma-Grinberga as priest-in-charge of St Saviour's, Riga, Latvia. The historic Church in downtown Riga was full for the service. Although a Church of England congregation, St Saviour's is a home to people from many nations. It has an impressive programme of outreach in the community.

The appointment of Jana is a first fruit of the signing of the Porvoo Agreement by the Evangelical Latvian Lutheran Church Abroad, which occurred last September. Jana was ordained a priest of that Church and as we are now in communion she was able to be appointed to a Church of England position, (after receiving the Archbishop of Canterbury's permission under the Overseas Clergy Measure in the usual way).

Although Jana is licensed as a priest in this diocese, many will be interested to know that her last position was actually as a bishop. She was the first woman bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain, appointed to that office in 2009 and which she held until 2013.

Born in England of Latvian parents, Jana trained for the sacred ministry in an Anglican theological college. She brings a rich pastoral experience to this diocese, and extensive ecumenical experience. She is, of course, fluent in Latvian.

We welcome her most warmly to our family.


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