An update from Canon Ulla Monberg at ACC-16, Lusaka

Bishop Angaelos (rt) speaks to another ecumenical participant at ACC, Metropolitan Seraphim of the Patriarchate of Alexandria
Canon Ulla Monberg, our delegate to ACC-16 which is currently meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, has let me know that Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Church in the UK, who is an ecumenical participant at ACC, spoke warmly of our diocese's "trememdous work" with refugees to the ACC members from around the world. This work was also mentioned by staff members of the ACC in their reports and by the Anglican Alliance.

Fr Tony Currer and Canon Monberg
Canon Monberg has also spoken to another important partner of this diocese, the representative of the Vatican, the Revd Tony Currer, with whom I work on the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission.

The opening service of ACC-16 took place with a congregation of 5000! Canon Monberg says "I have never experienced anything like it....the service lasted 4 hours with lots of choirs, dancing". Bishops, priests and people attended from around the Province of Central Africa which includes the nations of Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Congregation gathering for the opening service at ACC-16


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