Ken Dimmick Area Dean of Germany, William Lister Area Dean of Italy and Malta

Area Deans Ken Dimmick and William Lister receive their official commission
On Tuesday 8 April, two new Area Deans were commissioned during the meetings of the Bishop's Senior Staff. The Revd Ken Dimmick became the Area Dean for Germany and the Revd William Lister became the Area Dean for Italy and Malta.

The principle task of Area Deans in this diocese is to work with the Archdeacon and Lead Bishop in giving pastoral support to clergy and congregations. In our vast diocese this is one of the ways that we are working to enhance the level of pastoral care and support. Some specific duties include assisting congregations at the time of a vacancy, to work with them in discerning the future shape of their ministry and the sort of priest they require. Area Deans also conduct Ministerial Development Reviews of clergy, along with the Archdeacons and Bishops.

I am very grateful to the Area Deans, often serving in busy parishes themselves, who give of themselves and their ministry in this additional way, to support the wider mission of the Church in this diocese.


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