Warm ecumenical relations, growth in faith, expansion of team in Costa Blanca

The Revd Steven Foster
The Parish of Holy Spirit Costa Blanca, is probably the largest of our Church of England parishes in Europe, with 7 congregations, and a large electoral roll. The Revd Canon Peter Edwards is the Senior Chaplain. He is assisted by the Revd Marcus Ronchetti and on 2 February I was able to license the third priest for the team, the Revd Steven Foster, as Team Vicar.

Fr Steven is accompanied by his wife Ruth. He previously served in the Diocese of York. He is an enthusiastic musician as well as an experienced priest.

At Fr Steven's service of licensing, one of the local Franciscan brothers was in attendance. The parish supports the Franciscans who run a home for homeless men. Fr Steven is pictured above with his Franciscan colleague. The Parish Reader, Stephen Carden is between them.

The ecumenical relations are very warm indeed in Costa Blanca. Fr Juan Carlos, the RC priest of one of the Churches we borrow recently described Fr Marcus, who takes the Anglican services there regularly, as "the second priest in the parish".

My parish visit included a celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation.


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