New Disciples, Mission Engagement, Ecumenism in Midi-Pyrénées & Aude

Confirmations are a regular part of the annual cycle of church life in the Anglican parish of Midi-Pyrénées and Aude in the South-West of France. It was a joy, once again, to celebrate the commitment taken by these new disciples of Jesus Christ, in the midst of their families, friends and fellow parishioners at a festive service in Toulouse on 16 September. 

The parish is deeply committed to ecumenical life, even providing key leadership for music and cultural events in the community. One such event coincided with my parish visit when over 400 people (including the Archbishop of Toulouse) attended a musical evening in a city church which was organised in large part by musicians from the Anglican church. It was entitled L'Orgue en Folie and featured organ, voices and even lasers! Funds raised at the event were given towards the restoration of a historic organ in that RC parish church. 

In addition, this active chaplaincy, in partnership with our Roman Catholic hosts, is giving support to refugees. At this time accommodation and special care is being to asylum seekers who have fled persecution in their native Bangladesh - a direct engagement in outreach and service. The Church Council is also exploring a partnership within the diocese, and is looking to build links with St Mary's congregation in Belgrade, Serbia. 


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