Reader Angela Mirani gives spiritual leadership in St John the Baptist Varese

Candidates celebrate their confirmation day in Varese  
There are a couple of congregations in the diocese which, not having a resident priest, are given spiritual and liturgical leadership by a licensed Reader. One such congregation is St John the Baptist, Varese, in the Italian  lake district, close to the border with Switzerland. There Mrs Angela Mirani leads regular services of the word, preaches, teaches, provides pastoral care, and ensures at least monthly eucharists by inviting neighbouring priests from Milan and across the border in Lugano.

Dedicated lay (and volunteer!) ministry such Angela's is a vital part of the life of our Diocese in Europe and bears much fruit. Evidence of this can be seen in celebrations such as was held on 6 October when several candidates for confirmation which Angela  had prepared received that sacrament, joined by another parishioner who, having been already confirmed, was received into the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Angela is pictured below, vested with her blue Reader's scarf, as she oversees one of her parishioners renewing her baptismal promises just prior to receiving the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation.

Candidates for Confirmation from the parish of All Saints in Milan, together with their priest, the Revd John Payne, journeyed North to join the service in Varese. It was a festive celebration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, given to the candidates for their work as Christians in the world. The Revd Andrew Horlock, the priest-in-charge of St Edward the Confessor, Lugano, joined us for the celebration as well as the Revd Patrick Coleman, a former priest in Varese, now in Wales, who played the organ for the service.

St John the Baptist, Varese, has an attractive website here.


  1. Beautiful pics of a beautiful day. Joan


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