Hospital Celebration in Pas de Calais

A parish visit to Pas de Calais took a different direction last Sunday 7 March when I was asked by the priest-in-charge, the Revd Sara MacVane, to celebrate the confirmation of one the parishioners in hospital where he was awaiting some tests. A suitcase was prepared for me with all that was required to turn the hospital room in the Clinique des Acacies, in the seaside town of Cucq, into a chapel for the occasion. (Pace French laïcité!) 

Paul Glaister (above far right) was the confirmand, and the service was a joyous occasion, joined by his wife and fellow parishioners from Boulogne. Only the hymns were omitted, and the lighting of a candle at the end to give to Paul, due to fire regulations in the clinic. He will receive the candle when he is next in his home congregation so that his fellow parishioners can visibly mark the occasion as well.

Congratulations Paul, and prayers for God's strength, healing and peace.


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