Storms in France

As we get news of the clean up under way in Madeira, we now know of hurricane force winds and fierce rains which have battered many other areas of Europe this past weekend, but France in particular. At least 55 deaths are reported, mostly in France, but fatalities have been reported also in Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Germany.

The Archdeacon of France, the Venerable Ken Letts, sent me a message early this morning to say that he has been in touch with the clergy in the Atlantic coast of France, the Revds Peter Dawson (Biarritz), Paul Vrolijk (Aquitaine), Michael Hepper (Poitou-Charentes), Brian Davies (Vendée), Gareth Randall (Dinard), and Hazel Door (Brittany) about the storms and damage in their areas. Fr Letts reports that although there continues to be no electricity in some places and flooding in others, no-one directly connected to our churches has been hurt. Small numbers braved the elements for Sunday services and in the Vendée, services had to be cancelled.
O Almighty Lord God, our heavenly Father: Look, we beseech thee, in thy loving-kindness upon us thine unworthy servants, and grant us such weather as may relieve our present distress, to our comfort and to the glory of thy holy name; through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Advocate. (Irish Prayer Book).


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