25 years of Anglican worship in Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca

Due to Iberia misplacing my luggage, I was 1/2 hour late for the patronal feast of the congregation of St Andrew in Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca, on 30 November. But despite the delay, joy filled the air as the parishioners came together for the celebration which included the confirmation of 4 of their number.

The day also marked the 25th anniversary of the congregation, which began its life under the Revd Roy Greenwood, who, though now retired on the island, still actively assists the priest-in-charge. At the offertory, one of the Churchwardens, Mrs Mary Payne, presented a festive cake to mark the anniversary.

The present priest-in-charge is the Revd Canon Mel Smith, who, together with Fr Roy concelebrated the eucharist with me that night.

The congregation has a webpage here.


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