Prayers of the diocese for the people of Liege, Belgium

I have been in touch with the Revd Paul Yiend, the priest-in-charge of our congregation in Liege, Belgium, to offer the assurance of the prayers of the faithful of the diocese for the city which has been terrorised by today's attack by a criminal armed with grenades and guns. 4 people were left dead and over 75 injured. The attack, according to Fr Yiend, was in the very heart of the city where there is an extensive Christmas market. He added that with the crowds that visit the square it was indeed fortunate that there were not more lives lost.

There are no reports of any of the Anglican community directly affected. Of course, an event like this will leave the entire population traumatised. We pray for all who are seeking to bring comfort in the midst of the tragedy.
Father of mercy, in this time of grief let your people know your comforting love, that you stand alongside them, as the Son who brings hope and as the Spirit who brings healing. 


  1. No cloud without a silver lining - in this case the calling forth of transatlantic solidarity from a total inconnu: I quote:
    "Shalom Paul,
    My prayers and those of our church are with you and the people of Leige this day. I am a priest in the town next to Virginia Tech, a university that in 2007 was attacked by a gunman and again last Thursday when a gunman killed a police officer and we were on lock down for four hours while they searched for the gunman. We know the fear and deep sickening sorrow of such violence and our prayers are with you and your congregation.
    Yours in Christ,
    Phyllis Spiegel+
    St. Thomas Episcopal Church
    103 E. Main Street
    Christiansburg, VA 24073

  2. Never a cloud without a silver lining. In this case the calling forth of a bit of transatlantic christian solidarity from a total inconnu. I quote:
    Shalom Paul,
    My prayers and those of our church are with you and the people of Leige this day. I am a priest in the town next to Virginia Tech, a university that in 2007 was attacked by a gunman and again last Thursday when a gunman killed a police officer and we were on lock down for four hours while they searched for the gunman. We know the fear and deep sickening sorrow of such violence and our prayers are with you and your congregation.
    Yours in Christ,
    Phyllis Spiegel+
    St. Thomas Episcopal Church
    103 E. Main Street
    Christiansburg, VA 24073


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