Announcement of cancellation of services in Casablanca, Sunday 20th February

The Chaplain of the Church of St John the Evangelist, the Revd Mark Cregan, after consultation with the British Embassy and Consulate General, the US Consul General, the Archdeacon and myself, has decided that St John’s will not hold services this coming Sunday 20th February. (There are normally two services on Sunday morning, 9.30 and 11.30). This cancellation is for services on 20 February only and is due to the proximity of the Church to the part of the city where demonstrations are anticipated to take place.

Your prayers are urged for Morocco, and that any demonstrations on Sunday will be peaceful.

(The Diocese in Europe has two congregations in Morocco, St Andrew's Tangier and St John the Evangelist, Casablanca. The Church of England is, along with the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Eglise EvangĂ©lique au Maroc, an officially recognised Church in Morocco with permission from the host country to serve our members).


  1. Hi Bishop David,

    My Prayers are for and with the People of Bahrain. I am concerned that if they over throw the king too quickly there will be a power vacuume like what happened in Iraq and that would be Mega Bad as then no one has control and the situation becomes much worse.

    Changing track, If I ever got the chance to go to Gibraltar again, My First priorities would be Holy Communion at the cathedral, A walk round it, A visit to the mountain with monkeys and see the aircraft crossing the roads (or former road).
    I would also vist a few other churches in the Diocese. It would be good if the authorites could introduce a Cross Border Bus Services from Gibralter, Unity within Europe would be proven (Britain and Spain)

    Many Thanks

    Anthony Tull


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