Porvoo Collaboration in Spain!

One of the congregations in the parish of Costa del Sol East, Spain, meets each week in San Miguel Roman Catholic Church in Calahonda. Unfortunately, San Miguel's has suffered some structural damage: the facade of has fallen off, and it is not possible to continue to use it until repaired. The Porvoo Agreement has come to the rescue. The nearby Norwegian Church were quick to offer our Anglicans hospitality for their services. In the photo above, the Revd Mette Buvik from the Church of Norway presides with the Chaplain of Costa del Sol East, the Venerable David Sutch.

Mette already has Permission to Officiate in the chaplaincy, a provision made possible as under Porvoo, the Church of Norway and the Church of England are in communion. This latest collaboration strengthens the collaboration under the Porvoo agreement in the Norwegian and English diasporas.

The website for the parish of Costa del Sol is here.


  1. Bishop David; I wonder if some of your Spanish flock might care to see an interview I gave for a Spanish Catholic paper; it is at http://www.infocatolica.com/ and tries to answer some questions put to me about Anglo-Catholicism.
    Best wishes, +Edwin


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