Leading your Church into Growth

Those of our diocesan clergy and readers who are looking for resources or training in matters of church growth, might wish to take a look at a four day course run in partnership with CMS (Church Mission Society) called “Leading your Church into Growth”. This is a programme, now in its eighteenth year, specifically designed for clergy and lay leaders from across different traditions (and denominations) who are looking for help and encouragement in various aspects of church growth. It is geared more towards revitalising the local existing congregation or congregations as opposed to "planting" new, fresh expressions of Church. Growth, for the organisers, includes growth in spirituality, commitment and worship as well as numbers!

The course takes the form of an open seminar with interactive talks, practical exercises and time and space for personal reflection. The leadership team is drawn from the full range of churchmanship and theological traditions.

Course Topics Include:
• Becoming a positive leader
• Leading a positive team
• Understanding our context and mission field
• Becoming a mission church
• Sharing practical mission event ideas
• Preparing and stimulating lay people for evangelism
• Establishing growth structures, strategies and principles
• Encouraging missionary worship
• Developing a culture of invitation and welcome
• Creating a church community

There are also selected workshops on various topics.

The courses are run at Walsingham (1 – 4 February), High Leigh (14 – 17 June) and Swanwick (1 – 4 November). The cost for full board and all resources for the 4 day programme is £249 per person. For licensed clergy and readers of the diocese, this would be a course eligible for CME grant support.

If you wish more information please contact: tracielycig@yahoo.co.uk or telephone +44 1274 604 904 or +44 7799845954.

There is a website for the programme, with some further information, here.


  1. Bishop David

    Thank you so much for picking this up. Mouse's view is that this is the top priority at the moment for the church. But why is it left to CMS to run this type of event? Where is the CofE on this agenda? It seems to be left to each Diocese to come up with their own ideas (re-inventing the wheel each time).

  2. It is frustrating, Mouse. I agree that far too much that is central to the Church's life is left to voluntary agencies! Have you experience with this particular programme?

  3. David

    No direct experience, I'm afraid.


  4. As a former employee of a C. of E. voluntary agency (one of whose staff I released to work on the Leading your Church into Growth programme) I would say that the voluntary agencies have a flexibility and responsiveness - as well as a national scope - that allows them to carry these initiatives rather better then the central structures might be able to.

    I'd should also point out, Mouse, that CMS wouldn't take kindly to your suggestion (unintended I'm sure) that they are not part of the C.of E. They are integral to the C. of E. and the voluntary agencies are one crucial aspect of our corporate and communal life.

  5. I agree with the voluntary principle, Philippe, and also with the view that agencies and societies can provide a flexibility and responsiveness which a central bureaucracy might not. Sometimes, though, I feel that the official structures could focus more on what is central, so that the faithful can get the message that engaging with these central matters is not voluntary for Christians!

  6. Well I won't argue with that! And I certainly think there's a great deal of room for more creative and constructive partnership between central structures and voluntary agencies that play to the very different strengths of both.


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