A Resource for Bereavement Ministry

The Revd John Porter, a priest with permission to officiate in our diocese, has written a very helpful booklet, entitled BEING THERE, Caring for the Bereaved

The description on the cover of the publication states:
Jesus, the man for others, was there for people in his earthly life and ministry and is present today in and through his Church. John Porter is a priest who has sought, in the course of nearly half a century of parish ministry, to follow the example of Jesus and simply to ‘be there’ for others. In this book, he writes from his experience and insights gained from being with people in bereavement. Learning both from his own ministry and from that of others, he gives examples of what to do, and what not to do, sometimes using gentle humour to make his point.
Although this book is not intended to serve as a manual for the pastoral care of the bereaved, it does offer some practical advice and support for those who find themselves called to ‘be there’ for someone who is experiencing bereavement, whether this forms part of a frequent ministry or happens from time to time.
After nearly 45 years of active parochial ministry in England, Fr John retired to northern France where he continues to assist in the Pas-de-Calais Anglican Chaplaincy.

I warmly commend this publication to the many readers of our diocese who are engaged in funeral and bereavement ministry, to parish bereavement teams, as well as to the clergy, of course.

Copies can be obtained from
SLG Press, Convent of the Incarnation Fairacres, Parker Street Oxford OX4 1TB England, price £3.50.
The website for SLG press is http://www.slgpress.co.uk/

ISBN 978-0-7283-0176


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