St George's Barcelona launches new website

St George's Barcelona is updating its internet presence with a completely redesigned website, recently launched. The design work, photography and content editing was all done "in house" by St George's members while the programming work was contracted out. The chaplain, the Revd Andrew Tweedy (left), is delighted with the outcome. Why not take a look at the new site here. (The photo is our diocesan file one, and given the background, does not appear to have been taken in Barcelona!)

For over a century and a half St George's has been serving an international community in Barcelona. There are now more than 25 nationalities in the congregations which gather for worship at one of the three regular Sunday services. There has also been a recent surge in vocations to lay ministry and 3 persons from St George's are now training to be Readers.

By the way, St George is the patron saint of Catalonia as well as England (and a number of other places besides).

The Revd Andrew Tweedy is also a blogger. Check out his Esperamos blog here.


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