Mothers' Union in the Diocese in Europe

Mrs Barbara Wood, the Diocesan President of the Mothers' Union (MU) has recently written to all the members of the MU in the diocese with news and an update on the development of the organisation here in Europe. Barbara is delighted with continued growth of the MU and hope for even greater things in the future.

In her letter she writes:
"When we decided to take the leap of faith and start our own diocesan Mothers’ Union in 2007 we did so with just 4 branches and a few diocesan members. We now have 9 branches and quite a number of diocesan members, which is most encouraging, but I would like to see our membership grow especially in those parts of the diocese where there is no presence at the moment. We need to try to make more people aware of the work that is done throughout the world, to encourage more people to support the Mothers’ Union and then to become members.
In this diocese Sheila Lewis from Lanzarote is looking after Action & Outreach. We are also delighted that Joyce Bache from Poitou-Charentes in France is going to be our AFIA (Away from it all) Representative. Joyce is very keen to look at the possibility of providing some sort of Caravan holidays within the diocese for those in real need. This is a very exciting development and, having seen the impact of such holidays in the UK, would be a wonderful ‘outreach’ project for us all to engage in. Carol Johnston from Nerja is our new Secretary and will be looking at developing the role to suit our diocese. Valerie Ellis continues with ‘Faith & Policy’, Archdeacon David Sutch as Chaplain and the Revd Jim Sutton as Treasurer
‘Relationship not Rules’ is the theme for 2010 when we will all have the opportunity to celebrate the relationships we have built up with God, our families, friends, neighbours, churches, communities and the wider world and to learn how to recognise and experience God’s presence in our lives". .
As well as individual members scattered throughout Europe, there are Mothers' Union branches in:

Costa del Sol East (Spain)
Hamburg (Germany)
Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
Nerja and Almuñécar (Spain)
Malta & Gozo
Oulu (Finland)
Padua (Italy)
Poitou Charentes (France)
Torrevieja (Spain)

For more details about Mothers' Union Diocese in Europe please contact Mrs Barbara Woods, The Mother's Union website is here.


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