The Revd Ken Dimmick - 25 years of priesthood

Warm congratulations and many blessings to the Revd Kenneth Dimmick of St Catherine's Stuttgart, who celebrates his 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood this weekend. Fr Ken came to Europe from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, although he was ordained in Louisiana. Under Fr Ken's leadership in these past three years, St Catherine's has seen new growth and vitality. I have been using Fr Ken as a consultant for our new diocesan programme to assisting new congregations and revitalise the mission of older ones.

There are a wide range of activities at St Catherine's including Sunday school for children, adult study groups, fellowship events, women's group and choir. People have responded warmly to Fr Ken's approach, which he describes as follows:

While .... part of the Church of England, we gladly welcome people of any denomination. There is room in our church for all sorts and varieties of Christian Faith. We are proudly Anglican in our tradition, music, and liturgy, yet express our faith in a way that includes many different cultures. Presently we represent over 18 nations from all around the world. Young and old, children and parents, black, white, yellow, and brown,... all have found a home at St. Catherine's Church.
There have been Anglican services in Stuttgart since the early 19th century. For more information about this historic yet very up-to-date congregation, visit the website here.


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